‘An angel with black wings. A crooked halo. Fallen from heaven and been through hell. Getting more and more evil, the more she’s attacked.’ 🌍 I loved this dress the moment I saw it online but then once I put it on only the black wings looked cute :/ then I was on the flight to Kuala Lumpur in it and did just a rotation toward the porthole to take a picture and the strap ripped off 🤦🏼‍♀️well, was gonna be a one-winged angel... then I pinned it with an earring but it lasted a few minutes till my next rotation 😅so in the end I just borrowed some office stapler from the ladies in the luggage storage and it finally worked! But what I understood from all these years being a person who’s living out of a suitcase (or better suitcaseS 😂 I’m a girl, come on🙈)is that you have to be prepared for anything, a ripped off stripe is just “flowers” as we’d say in Russian... the worst thing and the one I hate the most is the suitcase’s broken wheel... just one wheel and it’s all a mess and my wheels break more often than a girl’s heart! I don’t know if it’s their way of saying to me “hey chik, maybe go easy on me, not ready for all this stuff of yours” or maybe I just pick the wrong #suitcase so I would be really thankful if someone suggested a good one and strong enough that lasts more than a year 😂 🌍 Now, about travels. I’m not a blogger travel and never want to become one because it’s becoming pathetic... come on, people! We all travel in this world, it is so easy nowadays, just hop on a plane and fly! I personally read only travel bloggers that are somehow similar to me or maybe some people that visit really nice places so I can decide my next vacations or interesting spots to see but a part from that travel bloggers and influencers, that’s not a job and to me it just all seems fake and “perfect”... no one is perfect, not even models and rich people who can travel everyday! But this desire to travel is very strong in me. How could it not be when I can speak a few languages and got to know ways of living of a few nations already? It’s amazing and it’s really True that the only thing you pay for that makes you richer is traveling 🌍💙

Теги: travel fashion luggage

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