Today is exactly one year since I have fallen in love with two slippery companions. It was pain, bruises and a big red butt on 31st December 2017 but in the end I conquered them. I got to know how to keep balance and how to ski faster. I have fallen in love not only with the skis but also and especially with the little details like the sounds the ski make when I break on ice or fresh snow; the sound they make when I am on the ski lift and they cling like bells when the lift shakes a little bit and in that moment you know it’s close, you’re really close to the slope; the beep you hear everytime you take any ski lift and last but not least all the cutest mountain huts you stop in for a warm mulled wine or a fresh home made traditional dish they do only here in the mountains. The first night after I “skied” (more like tried to ski 😂) I went to sleep after a big New Year’s party and I dreamed of skiing on the most dangerous and leaning slopes and in my dream I felt that amazing feeling of adrenaline arising while you go faster and faster on your skis. The next morning I had known that I definitely wanted to learn to ski better and here I am, exactly one year after, again on the slopes, again with the skis under my feet and happiness is overwhelming me. And I can’t wait to learn new ski tricks in this new 2019 year🎿❤️ Happy New Year’s Eve everybody 🎄🏔❤️ . . . . . . #travel #winter #outdoorlife #worldofwanderlust #explore #instatravel #TLPicks #uniladadventure #discover #trip #adventure #bestoftheday #instagood #ski_islife #bergpic #thediscoverer #wildernessnation #folkscenery #ExploreOurEarth #bergwelten #earthoutdoors #folkgreen #eclectic_shotz #instadolomiti #mountainstories #voyaged #wildernessculture #takemoreadventures #beyondthelands_ #girlsthatwander

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