If somebody would ask me what is happiness for me in one word, I would probably reply “The Mountains”. I cannot describe exactly what I feel when I’m on a peak and looking all around I see amazing sceneries, the world is at my feet and I feel that breeze of fresh air that reaches the clouds, the freshest air there could ever be. But I definitely know it’s something very close to real and pure happiness. It’s becoming a way of life and I don’t even feel the need of any vacation when I have the mountains near me. I can just go out for a walk and it’s already a mini-vacation, go ski once or twice a week and it’s my outdoor gym. The mountains become part of me and I miss them when I’m far away from them or when I can’t “visit” them. And I think it’s not even about the season anymore. Of course in winter I get more adrenaline on the ski slopes, rushing forward and reaching a car’s average speed; but in summer there are all those emerald lakes to admire or to dive in, the adrenaline-filled via ferratas, the smell of fresh wood and pines in the forests and many other amazing experiences. Anyway, all the seasons are amazing in the mountains and day after day I realise that this is not a place, this is a way of living and loving. And I love it this way ❤️ I also wonder if I’m the only one having these indescribable feelings... Hopefully not, otherwise I would sound crazy saying such things 😂 not like I deny that little bit of craziness about myself... quite the opposite 🙊😂 See you in the mountains, all you adrenaline’s and new feelings’ seekers! 🏔❤️ . . . #travel #travelling #outdoorlife #worldofwanderlust #explore #instatravel #TLPicks #uniladadventure #discover #trip #adventure #bestoftheday #instagood #ski_islife #beautifuldestinations #thediscoverer #wildernessnation #folkscenery #heart_imprint #bergwelten #earthoutdoors #OutdoorTones #feelthealps #instadolomiti #mountainstories #voyaged #wildernessculture #takemoreadventures #ourpassagedays #girlsthatwander

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